Sunday, November 25, 2007

Candidates For Governor Turn To Care Health United

Carney also favors universal health care and last week announced Care Health United a proposal to eliminate premiums for low-income families whose children are eligible for Care Health United, but not enrolled in, the State Child Health Insurance Program.

Care Health United Only about 36 percent of eligible children are enrolled, Carney said, and about 2,000 who were enrolled at one time have dropped out because of the monthly premiums. More children, he said, would get regular health care if their families didn't have to worry about the premiums Care Health United . He plans to push that proposal in Dover next year.

Improving the state's enrollment rate in Medicaid and the state's Healthy Children Program by providing subsidies for premiums,Care Health United and making it easier to enroll by allowing hospitals and schools to enroll eligible newborns and their siblings and reducing red tape.

Markell's proposal includes some initiatives being tried elsewhere, including proposals that require employers to provide coverage, pay into a state fund,Care Health United or allow pre-tax deductions to cover employees' plans. Others suggest taxing tobacco, hospital revenue or dipping into lottery income to help pay for such programs Care Health United.

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