Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What Kills One Woman Every Minute Of Every Day Republicans Health

Several Republicans in both the House and Senate have sided with majority Democrats on the issue, Health and the Senate has enough votes to override the veto Health. But in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has delayed an override attempt until Oct. 18, saying she needs to attract support from 14 more Republicans Health .

Health It’s hard to imagine how we could diminish the number of children who are covered,Health said Pelosi, D-Calif., in an interview broadcast Sunday. “The president calls himself ‘the decider,’ Health and I don’t know why he would want to decide that one child has health care and Health.

Those who survive may still suffer. For every woman who dies during childbirth, it is estimated that another 30 are injured or become sick. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million women around the world currently live with illnesses brought about by pregnancy or birth. And women themselves are not the only victims. The children left behind are more likely to die simply because they are motherless.

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