Saturday, December 8, 2007

Beilenson discuss Health Fitness Howard

Howard County Health Officer Dr. Peter L. Beilenson will discuss the Health Fitness Howard Initiative and its relation to environmental protection, conservation,Health Fitness and county efforts to go greener.

The annual awards recognize businesses that are working to improve the county's health by providing opportunities for employees to enhance Health Fitness and well-being.

Their employees undergo quarterly online Health Fitness assessments and receive gift certificates for walking shoes. Walking at lunchtime is encouraged. The Jolles run an adult exercise boot camp for clients, neighbors and friends, Health Fitnessand organized a Health and Wellness Day at Centennial Park that drew more than 500 people.

The company, headquartered in Jessup Health Fitness, offers an annual health fair, lunch and learn sessions, on-site blood pressure and other testing Health Fitness, discounted gym memberships and a company fitness gym.

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