Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mental Health Dept To Send Psychiatrists To China

The Deputy Director-General of the Department of Mental Health, Md. Wachira Phengchan, says his department and Sichuan province in China, which was hit by a major earthquake five days ago, have agreed on mental health cooperation. Psychiatrists from the department will travel to provide treatment for people affected by the catastrophe in Sichuan.

Md. Wachira says he has sent a letter of condolence to China and suggested guidelines on mental rehabilitation for the affected people.

The death toll in China is estimated at more than 50,000. Most of the victims are students and teachers.

Md. Wachira says the earthquake has caused great mental impact similar to the 2004 tsunami as the two disasters occurred unexpectedly. During the first two weeks, the affected people may be in shock and grieve over the death of their loved ones. He adds that these people need to have a close mental assessment and urgent assistance Health Insurance.

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