Thursday, June 5, 2008

Health And Wellness News

A health insurance advocate group, Florida Health Insurance Web, reports more bad news for Florida residents. Florida has hit a new low, ranked close to the bottom of a new national survey on healthcare; just a spot above Oklahoma. The first-ever state-by-state health system report focused on children's health care and finds Florida's kids have limited access to health services, and higher than normal health insurance costs, those two facts, together with several others, now create the most depressing statistic of all, which said our children have little chance of 'Living a long healthy life.'

The state of Florida can't promote healthcare as being on the forefront of their minds: "Florida has one of the worst health care systems in the nation." And, chances are they won't run the ads that say: "Florida's kids visit the dentist less often than Alabamas kids." Nor will they run pictures of kids, and sailboats, and sunsets, with the slogan: "nearly 20 percent of our Florida's children have no insurance" They may try to forget all about those facts, but they are true. Florida health care system is in deep trouble according to the independent study group. The Florida Group Health Insurance market is has dwindled in the recent years. What are we going to do with all of these uninsureds? It is a tough report, said Kirsten Portrie (a health insurance consultant), but "if we do not address the reality of Florida's health care problem, we will never be able to fix it."

Florida can say 'it has better health care than Oklahoma' which ranked at the bottom of the Commonwealth Fund Report, according to Portrie, "Florida ranks #50 for health access, as well as last in the quality of health care category, last for highest medical costs -- and worst of the report, 'our children have the worst chance in America' to lead happy healthy lives."

The health care consultant said, "We have to look at which states are at the top of the list, to see what they are doing, and then implement that in Florida as soon as possible." The Commonwealth Fund Report reveals several states with above average health care; they are Iowa, Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

According to Portrie, "millions of children across the country could have health insurance, and adequate health care; and could avoid treatment delays, if all states performed as well as Iowa, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire." What is going on with the Florida Health Insurance Crisis?

Portrie said, "Iowa and Vermont have created children's health care systems that are accessible, equitable, and deliver high-quality care, all while controlling levels of spending and family health insurance premiums." It is a strange day when Floridians consider relocating to Iowa to get better healthcare and live a happier healthier life, but that day may be here."

One common thread emerging from the healthcare report was "61% of children in New Hampshire, and 52% of all children in all the New England states, have a 'medical home', compared with only 20% in Florida. "a medical home is defined as, 'having at least one preventive medical care visit in the past year'"; being able to access needed specialist care and services; and having a personal doctor, or nurse who spends enough time and communicates clearly, provides telephone advice and urgent care when needed, and follows up after specialist care.

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