Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Suffering From The Dreaded Cellulite Health And Beauty

Think your thighs look like cottage cheese and your derriere more like a sagging dimpled orange Health And Beauty? Well, rest assured - we all have it.Health And Beauty In fact, the cellulite phenomenon is estimated to affect a whopping 90 per cent of British women, Health And Beauty from the ultra slim to the overweight.

Launched by Skin Solutions at Mulberry House on Manor Place Health And Beauty, Edinburgh, Lumicell Touch uses sub-dermal deep tissue massage and intense pulse light technology to stimulate the cells Health And Beauty, encourage collagen growth, increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Results vary on each individual and the therapists stress that at least four treatments are needed to see a difference, but smoother Health And Beauty, plumper skin is yours after just one treatment. Trust us, this treatment works Health And Beauty.A single treatment lasting one hour costs £60 but, for a limited time.

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